Subjection Questions.
“What are you?” shouted the sergeant in the soldier's face.
“I am a bloody scumbag, Sergeant.”
“Is this your car, Sir?”
“Yes, it is.”
“Are you aware, Sir, that it appears to be parked on a double red line?”
In China, we can watch, on t.v. the
smuggled footage of the way the Uighurs are treated. These Muslims
are shut up in prison camps re-education centres and
made to repeat the answers to questions in Mandarin although they do
not really speak the language. They are asked things like which nation they belong to, who
is their leader, and whether they support the Communist government
Everyone knows the answer which is
The Church of England used to have a
catechism which asks all sorts of questions.
It started like this:
What is your name?
Answer: N or M
Who gave you this name?
Answer: My Godfathers and Godmothers at my Baptism wherein I was made a member of Christ, the child of God, and an inheritor of the kingdom of heaven.
And so on.
All these questions are asked to make
the person answering them feel inferior. They are - and are intended to be - an act of subjection.
They are not asked for any other reason: both sides know the answer
before the question is asked.
By repeating the answer, you submit.
And subjection questions need not
necessarily be bad questions either.
People who want to improve you ask you all sorts of questions too.
You do realise don't you that smoking will kill you by the time you reach the age of 40?
Are you sitting there and telling me that you drink a bottle of wine a week?
Did you realise that according to the latest research, obese people stand a 39.8% chance of emphysema?
In a court of law, the other side's
lawyers will also ask submission questions too.
“Where were you on the night of the 26th?”
Everyone knows the answer and you have
to reply with the truth.
Or else...
Schoolteachers love the subjection
question to which both sides know the answer.
Have you actually done any homework at all?
As do parents.
“You are not telling the truth, are you Figgy?”
“No Mummy.”
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